World Alzheimer’s Month: Raising Awareness and Taking Action

September 6th 2023

September is recognized as World Alzheimer’s Month, a global campaign to raise awareness and understanding about Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. This month serves as an opportunity to educate the public, promote early detection and intervention, and encourage support for individuals and families affected by Alzheimer’s. In this blog, we will explore what Alzheimer’s disease is, how you can get involved, and the importance of increasing public awareness.

Understanding Alzheimer’s:

Alzheimer’s is a progressive brain disorder that affects memory, thinking, and behavior. It is the most common cause of dementia, accounting for approximately 60-80% of all cases.

Individuals may experience difficulties with communication, problem-solving, and daily tasks as the disease progresses. Alzheimer’s can also lead to changes in personality and behavior, causing confusion and disorientation.

There are many programs that offer support for individuals and their families who are dealing with an Alzheimer’s Disease diagnosis. Our memory care communities at Grace Management, Inc. utilize The Village Program®. The Village Program® is designed to help residents Reflect on memories and past accomplishments. Rejoice in the successes experienced every day. And Renew their hope and spirits every day.

The Alzheimer’s Association® recognizes The Village Program® Orientation by Grace Management Inc. Memory Care Programming for incorporating the evidenced-based Dementia Care Practice Recommendations in the following topic areas: Alzheimer’s and dementia, person-centered care, assessment, and care planning, activities of daily living, and behaviors and communication.

Getting Involved:

  1. Support Organizations: There are many organizations dedicated to Alzheimer’s research, advocacy, and support that exist worldwide. Consider reaching out to your local chapter of The Alzheimer’s Association® to learn more about how you can support them.
  2. Advocate for Policy Change: Join advocacy groups working to shape policies that support individuals with Alzheimer’s and their families. By contacting your local representatives and voicing your concerns, you can help ensure that Alzheimer’s receives adequate attention and funding for research, care, and support services.

Increasing Public Awareness:

  1. Education Campaigns: During World Alzheimer’s Month, there are many educational campaigns that are launched to increase public knowledge about the disease.
  2. Social Media Engagement: Take advantage of social media platforms to share facts, personal stories, and resources related to Alzheimer’s. Use hashtags like #WorldAlzMonth, #EndAlzheimers, or #KnowAlzheimers to join the online conversation and help spread awareness.
  3. Community Events: Participate in or organize local events to promote Alzheimer’s awareness. Organize walks, runs, or other fundraisers to support research and caregiving organizations. Collaborate with community centers, libraries, and schools to host educational sessions or film screenings related to Alzheimer’s disease.
  4. Personal Storytelling: Share your personal experiences with Alzheimer’s disease, whether as a patient, caregiver, or family member. By speaking openly about the impact of the disease on individuals and families, you can help reduce stigma, foster empathy, and encourage support for those affected.

World Alzheimer’s Month is an important opportunity to unite in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. By working together to understand Alzheimer’s, getting involved through volunteering or advocacy, and increasing public awareness, we can contribute to early detection, improved care, and eventually find a cure.

To learn more about Grace Management, Inc. and The Village Program®, visit our communities page to find a Memory Care community near you.