Men’s Health Matters to Us!
June 15th 2022
June is Men’s Health month. Our communities provide whole-body wellness options for improving all aspects of health and supporting healthy living for our residents. At our community The Landon at Lake Highlands, a group called the League of Men, provides meaningful connections and great events and activities to support men and their mental, physical, social, and emotional health.
The group formed in 2021 with about 10-15 members. Today, it has flourished to 23 to 25 active members who do anything from build birdhouses and enjoy meal outings together to scotch tasting events and speakers to talk about whatever interests are piqued by the group. The group gets to choose what they are doing each month and the events or activities are hosted by different male associates at the community.
The League of Men has helped newcomers and established residents whose interests lie outside of arts, crafts, and games to find an alternative way to connect with their neighbors. The men in the group include married and widowed gentlemen who enjoy the camaraderie and activity the League brings to their lives. Recently, some of the League members have begun finding fitness that they enjoy, working out or exercising, together. Speakers for events have run the gamut and included discussion of healthy lifestyles and support like physical therapy, pool or water aerobics, healthy eating, and nutrition, and much more.
During Men’s Health Week in June (13-19, 2022), those recognizing men’s health are encouraged to wear blue. We encourage all our associates and residents to support men’s health not just now, but throughout the year!

For more information on Men’s Health, visit: