Healthy Goals for Seniors in the New Year

January 4th 2023

The New Year is here; it is the time to reflect on the past year, what this year has taught you, and look forward to this upcoming year. In considering your goals for the upcoming year, make sure you choose attainable goals that will enhance your quality of life. Although each individual will have their own goals, here are some healthy and positive ways to refocus your energy.

Be Active – this year, commit to being intentionally active for at least ten minutes a day. This can be as simple as a walk around your community, a water aerobics class, or intentional stretching. It is important that you do an enjoyable physical activity so that you will look forward to it each day.

Physical activity is safe and healthy for seniors. Many conditions improve with consistent, intentional physical activity. Consider talking to your primary care physician about what activities will help you best.

Exercise Your brain – Regularly challenging your mind as you age is a great way to reduce the risk of memory loss or developing dementia. It can be as simple as reading every day, completing the daily crossword puzzle, or trying a new hobby that keeps your mind occupied.

This new year, focus on healthy goals that will improve your day-to-day life. Be intentional in setting your goals.

At Grace Management, Inc., we work to provide seniors with a home. It’s not like home. It is home. ™