Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Empowering Senior Women

October 4th 2023

Every October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month reminds people of all ages and backgrounds of the importance of early detection, prevention, and support against breast cancer. While breast cancer can affect women of any age, it is most prevalent among older women. In this blog, we hope to raise awareness about breast cancer in senior women while emphasizing the importance of education.

The Impact on Senior Women:

Breast cancer can significantly impact the lives of senior women. Age is a significant risk factor, and the chances of developing breast cancer increase as women grow older. Seniors may face unique challenges when it comes to breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Many factors, such as preexisting health conditions and other age-related factors, can complicate their journey.

Education and Awareness:

Education plays a large role in raising awareness about breast cancer among senior women. By providing the necessary education, we can empower them to make informed decisions regarding their health. Resources such as brochures, websites, and workshops can help spread vital knowledge about risk factors, symptoms, self-examination techniques, and the importance of regular mammograms. Programs that target senior living communities can contribute significantly to spreading awareness.

Regular Screenings:

Regular screenings are an important part of the early detection and treatment of breast cancer. Mammography, in particular, is an effective tool for identifying breast abnormalities. Senior women should be encouraged to discuss the recommended frequency of mammograms with their healthcare providers, as these guidelines may vary based on individual risk factors.

Living Healthy Lifestyles:

Living a healthy lifestyle is essential for senior women to reduce their risk of breast cancer and maintain overall well-being. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to a healthier lifestyle. Seniors should be educated about the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight and managing chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month brings attention to the specific needs and challenges senior women face in the fight against breast cancer. Let’s come together to spread awareness, support, and empower senior women as they navigate their breast cancer journeys with resilience and hope.

At Grace Management, Inc., the health and wellness of our residents is one of our top priorities. To learn more, head over to our communities page on our website and find a community near you!

Five Things We Are Thankful For

November 16th 2022

This is the time of year when we focus on what we are thankful for. As we age, it can be easy to lose sight of things we are thankful for. Having a reminder of things you can be thankful for, no matter how small, can lift your spirits and help you live a more purpose-driven life as a senior adult.

Life Experiences – each year brings new experiences and memories, including life-changing events, accomplishments, or just new experiences. Be thankful for all your life experiences, the good and bad, because they are what made you who you are today.

Pets – pets are a joy to have in our lives. Many of us have a canine or feline companion in our lives that brings us constant joy. Our pets offer us unconditional love, and we are grateful to have them in our lives. All of our Grace Management, Inc. communities are pet friendly, so you can have the constant companionship that you desire.

This holiday season, what are you thankful for?

National Director of Hospitality and Engagement, Sarah Moriyama, Appointed to Prestigious Committee

September 7th 2022

We are proud to announce that Sarah Moriyama, Grace Management, Inc.’s National Director of Hospitality and Engagement, has been appointed to a prestigious Advisory Board for the Customer Experience Certificate Program at the University of California – Irvine, Division of Continuing Education

To learn more, please visit the news section of the GMI website.

Senior Vice President Kymm Clark Selected to Serve on ASHA’s Sales and Marketing Committee

August 24th 2022

We are proud to announce that Kymm Clark, our Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, has been selected to serve on the American Seniors Housing Association’s (ASHA) Sales and Marketing Committee.

To learn more, please visit the news section of the GMI website.

Partnering with Experts to Elevate the Senior Living Experience

June 1st 2022

Dr. O’Neil is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in both internal medicine and geriatric medicine. He is the Chief Medical Officer for Affinity Living Group and a Clinical Professor in the Department of Aging Studies at the University of South Florida.

Dr. Regina Benjamin has been a valuable resource in providing experience and expertise regarding health and wellness in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Benjamin was the 18th United States Surgeon General from 2009 to 2013. As America’s Doctor, she has provided the public with the best scientific information available on how to improve their health and the health of the nation.

All Grace Management, Inc. associates benefitted from the exclusive opportunity to participate in an open discussion with Dr. Benjamin. Dr. Benjamin who addressed questions from associates and shared her knowledge and expertise regarding COVID-19, including the importance of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Benjamin’s breadth of knowledge is a great resource in providing associates of Grace Management, Inc. communities with important information in support of our people-centered mission.
Interested in watching Dr. Kevin O’Neil’s video series? Find them on Grace Management, Inc.’s Facebook page video section.

Interested in watching Dr. Kevin O’Neil’s video series? Find them on Grace Management, Inc.’s Facebook page video section.